Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rainy Saturday

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Because this guy is bored and wants to go outside.

Mama tries to distract him with crayons and a biiiiiiiiiig sheet of paper.

That lasts for about 5 minutes, so I pull out the big guns. 
Stickers can always be relied upon for a good 10 minutes of fun.

Maybe even 15 if Daddy joins the game.

And Mama, of course.

After breakfast/crayon/sticker/ipad time, he still has cabin fever, so we decide to brave the rain and let this kiddo loose at Barnes and Noble (his very own personal theme park, as far as he knows).

At which time he runs straight to the beautiful "Thomas the Train" activity table, carefully selects a lucky bunch of trains, and promptly moves them (one-by-one) to the big, empty stage. 

Surely trains appreciate a change of scenery on a rainy day, too.

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